Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Six Month Review

It seems like only yesterday that I non-chalantly chose a template and color scheme for this blog, and proceeded to become ever more engulfed in sharing my personal daily experiences, thoughts, and pictures. I’ve been diligent with recording of ‘Weekly Specials’ which I’m quite proud of. I had in theory intended for this blog to be an accessory to my resume in this way. I’ve not had much feedback, or comments, but I have been very happy with the comments I have received, and I’ve been quick to reply in most cases. As of today some 243 people have reviewed my profile, and as far as I know that’s about 240 people I would have never communicated with in any way, and for this I’m very happy with my blog.

I’ve learned quite a few tricks over the past six months, but I’m very willing and wanting to learn more about taking my blog to as many people as possible. I’ve learned that ‘Links’ are a wonderful thing, and in fact I come to my own blog to click a link to a webpage I’m searching for. For this reason I’m intending to add between 5 and 10 new links over the next few weeks. I don’t intend to fill the ‘links’ column for pure self serving satisfaction, rather worthwhile, informative webpages.

Photos, photos, photos. For the past 10 years I’ve had a desire to further my interest in photography that began in high school. This blog has provided such an outlet. I’m using Picasa, and I’ve created an album of misfit photos I’ve taken over the past six months that relate to this blog, but have yet to warrant posting. It wasn’t until my ‘spring plates’ post that I realized if you click on any photo it blows up to a full frame photo with impossibly comprehendible detail. I’ve also gone though 3 digital cameras. I’m now using an Olympus FE-210, which quite pleasingly has a ‘cuisine’ scene setting as well as a super-macro setting allowing me to get as close as 2 inches to a subject.

Lastly, it is my intention to incorporate more recipes, especially recipes with photos into the blog. In this case, I’ve never claimed to be a good home cook. So I wouldn’t be good at writing a recipe for 2 cups of soup, rather 2 gallons. In this respect, I consider it the recipe readers responsibility to scale or otherwise interpret my recipes for what they are, guidelines.


holly_44109 said...

looking forward to more recipes!

Anonymous said...

My only suggestion is more restaurant reviews. It is excellent to hear from someone who knows more about food preparation and quality than the average person. The restaurants you've reviewed to date have proven to be great. Now...don't be shy with critique, though. We all would like to have advice on where NOT to spend our money in the Cleveland area, as well.